If strength, coordination and gross motor skills are goals of your child’s OT, their gross motor skills will be assessed prior to a treatment plan being put into place. Areas included in the assessment are below:

– Bilateral coordination: ability to use both sides of the body together in a coordinated manner

– Prone extension: ability to lay prone and extend all limbs (legs and arms) in an anti-gravity position indicating the strength of the back and neck extensors

– Supine flexion: ability to lay on the back and flex all limbs inwards against gravity indicating the strength of the abdominal muscles and neck flexors.

– Motor planning: is the ability to sequence and organise movements in a coordinated manner to complete unfamiliar motor tasks. This process involves conception of the plan (having the idea), a plan of action (organising and sequencing body movements) and execution (carrying out) of the task. Once a task is learned, motor planning is no longer needed and the skill to carry it out becomes automatic.

– Proprioception: The ‘proprioceptive’ sense refers to the sensory input and feedback that tells us about movement and body position. It’s “receptors” are located within our muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues. It is one of the “deep senses” and could be considered the “position sense”.

At AIM Therapy, we take great pride in delivering Occupational Therapy services as unique as your child from Assessment to Intervention to Meeting of goals. If you would like more information about our services or would like to go ahead with a booking, we welcome you to contact us 6150 8339 or hello@aimtherapy.com.au.

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